The Data Trustees.
With 10 years of experience, the Trusted Third Party of the University Medicine Greifswald supports medical research in Europe. Person-identifying data are sensitive information. Therefore, it’s extremely important to protect access to this data – this is especially true for research with patient data in studies and registries. The organisationally Independent Trusted Third Party develops and operates specialised software to protect this data and, thus, offers data protection compliant solutions for medical research. As data trustees, we form the bridge between study participants, researchers and project partners and, thus, create trust, because: Trust makes medical research successful.
Are you planning storage and use of personal data for a study or a research project in compliance with data protection regulations? Are you looking for tools to help you with the digital acquisition and automatable processing of research data?
Are you a participant in a study, or do you plan to participate in a study? Did you receive an invitation to participate in a study? Would you like to inform yourself about the storage and use of your data?
Are you involved in conducting a study? Are you looking for documentation, e.g. descriptions of processes and standard operating procedures (SOPs)? Do you need access (login) to the data collection system of your project and search for the corresponding application?
The Trusted Third Party in numbers
As of November 2024
Presentation of the Semantic Consent Code in the TMF Data Protection Working Group
At the last meeting of the TMF Data Protection Working Group, we presented the Semantic Consent Code, or SCC for short. The Semantic Consent Code: consists of semantic axes: Class, Action, Purpose, Actor. enables the description of consent documents regardless of their structure and form creates a flexible and [...]
THS Community Dialog on 30.01.2025
Since September 2020, we have been offering users of our tools and potentially interested parties a central point of contact to ask questions, understand the background and share experiences with other users. This THS Community Dialog forms the basis for the development of a joint FAQ in our community [...]
Updated FHIR specification for consent management available – Voting process runs until January 31, 2025
Background Initiated by recurring questions in the bvitg's Interoperability Forum and in the Medical Informatics Initiative, the Consent Management Working Group was formed as part of the Interoperability Forum to reconcile the current lack of interoperability of standards, formats and tools and to define a uniform FHIR-based profile for [...]
To close out the year, new versions of E-PIX, gPAS, and gICS are now available
At the end of the year, we are once again providing a new set of releases for the community. As usual, the release notes list details about new functionalities, general improvements and bug fixes. In E-PIX, in addition to minor bug fixes and the acceleration of the dashboard, additional [...]
New publication – Electronic consent in on-site pediatrics with gICS: Creating a dedicated facility and capturing consent data
Participation in clinical trials requires informed consent. This is particularly important when storing samples in biobanks for future research. In pediatric studies, consent must be obtained from both the child and the legal representatives, which requires multiple consents to be recorded simultaneously. Electronic consents have become increasingly popular due [...]