The Data Trustees.
With 10 years of experience, the Trusted Third Party of the University Medicine Greifswald supports medical research in Europe. Person-identifying data are sensitive information. Therefore, it’s extremely important to protect access to this data – this is especially true for research with patient data in studies and registries. The organisationally Independent Trusted Third Party develops and operates specialised software to protect this data and, thus, offers data protection compliant solutions for medical research. As data trustees, we form the bridge between study participants, researchers and project partners and, thus, create trust, because: Trust makes medical research successful.
Are you planning storage and use of personal data for a study or a research project in compliance with data protection regulations? Are you looking for tools to help you with the digital acquisition and automatable processing of research data?
Are you a participant in a study, or do you plan to participate in a study? Did you receive an invitation to participate in a study? Would you like to inform yourself about the storage and use of your data?
Are you involved in conducting a study? Are you looking for documentation, e.g. descriptions of processes and standard operating procedures (SOPs)? Do you need access (login) to the data collection system of your project and search for the corresponding application?
The Trusted Third Party in numbers
As of June 2024
THS Community Dialog on June 1, 2023
Since September 2020, we have been offering users of our tools and potentially interested parties a central point of contact to ask questions, understand the background and share experiences with other users. This THS Community Dialog forms the basis for the development of a joint FAQ in our community [...]
New community releases of E-PIX, gPAS and gICS freely available
As of today, the latest releases of E-PIX, gPAS and gICS are available to the community for free download. In addition to new functionalities and numerous improvements, the configuration of the three tools in general and with regard to the use of Keycloak for securing web front-ends and interfaces [...]
We Know What You Agreed To, Don’t We? – New Open Access Publication
Researchers are aware of a consent’s importance, because informed consents are THE basis for study participation in research projects, if not otherwise regulated by law. Any incorrectly filled-in consent is invalid and inevitably leads to the participant’s exclusion from the study and loss of data for the research. The [...]
A FHIR has been lit on gICS! – New Open Access Publication
For our users, who carefully read our News and Release-Notes, it is certainly not a technical novelty that our consent management gICS already supports the HL7 Germany FHIR Standard for Consent Management since 2021. Together with the colleagues from Erlangen, Munich and Heilbronn, a n article was published, which [...]
New Publication – ‘3LGM2IHE: Requirements for data-protection-compliant research infrastructures. A systematic comparison of theory and practice-oriented implementation’
At the end of the year, another publication from the Trusted Third Party Greifswald was published. As part of the DFG-funded project 3LGM2IHE, requirements for record linkage, pseudonymization and the management of consents were extracted from the TMF Data Protection Guidlines (TMF Datenschutzleitfaden). These requirements were compared with the [...]