

Which authentication and authorization mechanisms are possible?

13. July 2021||

There are different approaches to giving users and systems access to our tools (authentication) and assigning them appropriate rights and roles (authorization). Authentication and authorization Since gICS 2.11.0 and gPAS 1.9.1, two Docker Compose variants of each tool are made available via Github: a standard and web-auth version. gICS Web-Auth-Version: gPAS Web-Auth-Version: E-PIX Web-Auth-Version: work [...]

Are bug tracking and feature requests possible?

14. October 2020||

Simply: yes. Upon request, you can get access to TTP GitLab and independently report Bugs for the selected tool. GitLab will automatically keep you informed about future developments on the bug you reported. Of course, it is also possible to present new ideas for features and coordinate a possible course of action with us. Just [...]

Is there an opensource development process?

13. October 2020||

In short: Yes. We generally allow and welcome active collaboration on our tools. Of course, we maintain separate GitLab projects for each tool and always implement new features in separate branches. In doing so, we pay attention to uniform quality specifications and optimal test coverage. We are supported in this by SonarQube. Once the new [...]

Are you using GitHub or GitLab?

13. October 2020||

Yes and yes. To make the development status of our tools from funded projects, such as the DFG projects MOSAIC and MAGIC, permanently available to the former funding bodies, we use the publicly accessible GitHub (e.g. ). Within the Trusted Third Party, we coordinate our development work via GitLab and ensure the continuous quality [...]