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org.emau.icmvc.ganimed.ttp.cm2.config.CheckConsentConfig Class Reference

configuration for the check whether the given policy is consented by the given person More...

Inheritance diagram for org.emau.icmvc.ganimed.ttp.cm2.config.CheckConsentConfig:

Data Structures

enum  IdMatching

Public Member Functions

IdMatching getIdMatchingType ()
void setIdMatchingType (IdMatching idMatchingType)
boolean getIgnoreVersionNumber ()
void setIgnoreVersionNumber (boolean ignoreVersionNumber)
boolean getUnknownStateIsConsideredAsDecline ()
void setUnknownStateIsConsideredAsDecline (boolean unknownStateIsConsideredAsDecline)
int hashCode ()
boolean equals (Object obj)
String toString ()

Private Attributes

IdMatching idMatchingType = IdMatching.AT_LEAST_ONE
 match at least one, at least all or exact all of the given signer identifiers
default = AT_LEAST_ONE
boolean ignoreVersionNumber = false
 ignore the version number of the policy
default = false
boolean unknownStateIsConsideredAsDecline = false
 if the consent state type "unknown" is encountered, it's considered as "declined" for the "isConsented...()"-functions; see ConsentStatusType
default = false

Static Private Attributes

static final long serialVersionUID = -6636704676431609622L

Detailed Description

configuration for the check whether the given policy is consented by the given person

match at least one, at least all or exact all of the given signer identifiers
default = AT_LEAST_ONE

ignore the version number of the policy
default = false

if the consent state type "unknown" is encountered, it's considered as "declined" for the "isConsented...()"-functions; see ConsentStatusType
default = false


Definition at line 61 of file

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